Sleep in the News

I am way overdue for a post. It has been a long 2 weeks and I definitely have sleep debt I am still catching up on.  I promise to post tomorrow, but in the mean time here are some interesting articles in the news recently:

More Kids Sleep with TV, Study Finds, Wall Street Journal.

Such a great idea for the toddlers and preschoolers that wake up too early and can understand! The Good Nite Lite is a patented behavioral modification device designed to promote a child’s ability to get the rest that is critical for healthy development.

Sleep-Deprived Families Make Adjustments During the Day to Have a Restful Night, South Florida Parenting.

This shows why the need for awareness is so great! Many Pediatricians Overlook Sleep, The Sleep Doctor, Michael Breus, PhD, The Insomnia Blog.

I wonder why sleep paralysis is more common in college students? I have this all of the time! Sleep Paralysis More Common in Students, The Body Odd on MCNBC.

Sleep-deprived teens engage in more risky and unhealthy behaviors. Sleep-Deprived Teens: Risky Business, WebMD.

How are you and your little ones adjusting to the time change? I really wanted to do a post about how to prepare kids for the time change, but work got crazy. One to come in the future. I know my body thinks it is later!

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